Joe's Market Report

Market Report- Week Beginning June 3rd, 2024



What’s Hot


LOCAL PRODUCE! Early season favourites are in full swing, with asparagus being a great opportunity buy right now and Ontario Strawberries that are eating brilliantly.


Local leafy greens have started to hit, with kales, chards, and romaine coming from close to home. Soft herbs like cilantro, parsley and dill are all Ontario sourced now as well.


We’re pleased to announce that after a very tight few weeks, Ontario green zucchini are starting to come to market, which will hopefully ease pricing concerns caused by constricted supply.


For all the Barbaras out there, or anyone else looking for another great opportunity buy, take note that Ontario Rhubarb is having a fantastic year, and remains high quality and very cost effective well into the season.


Denboer Farms, much like Backstreet, are back! Their stunning radishes are now available, and we are thrilled to continue to offer their top tier products to our restaurant partners. Give them a try, they’ll rock your body!


While not local, our buyer had to make an early run to the shoe storage closet for some sandals as the current crop of Cantaloupes has absolutely knocked his socks off. And shoes with no socks is weird. Just like not trying these cantaloupes would be weird.


We also want to draw your attention to a new grower we are working with, who has a fantastic supply of locally grown exotic mushrooms. Lions Mane, Cinnamon Cap, Pink/Yellow Oyster are all available as either a solo case or a mixed case (inquire for availability).


Another strong contender for the buyers choice item are the early season cherries from California, which are very high quality  and another very cost effective option.


California produce is also starting to come on in force, as red/green grapes, peaches, and strawberries are all online and above average quality. Note that only the California strawberries are available as a split.


Items of Concern


Like all good things, fiddleheads and ramps have come to an end.


Celery and head lettuce are continuing to be a challenge item, with pricing above historical norms.


Snow and Snap Peas supplies remain tight, putting upward pressure on pricing.

Avocado prices remain elevated; however, quality is high.



Looking Ahead


We are looking forward to the arrival of more product from Denboer Farms, as well as Wax Beans from Boots Farms that are out of this world! We are thrilled to be able to transition to even more Ontario product whenever possible. Keep an eye on our social channels for updates as our farm partners continue to bring more product to market each day!