Joe's Market Report

Market Report- Week Beginning November 1st 2021


What’s Hot

It should come as no surprise that local apples are in full swing right now, with a small but high-quality contingent of imported apples as well. Our local favourites include honey crisp and mutsu! For those looking to get a jump on holiday production, fresh quince is also now available!

Our partners at Gomes Farms have once again allowed us to extend the local tomato season. They continue to provide us with an exceptional tomato, especially when compared to an import, and we expect supply to stay strong into mid-November.

Local squash! Despite a challenging late summer hailstorm, we are seeing a phenomenal squash crop including less traditional varieties like buttercup, golden nugget, sweet dumpling and turban.

Our friends at Beanhaven Farms have had another great year of cabbage production, with all varieties in abundance. We have been particularly impressed with the delicate flavour and beautifully light colour of this year’s green cabbage harvest. We think it’s a must for this year’s late fall and early winter menus!

California lemons are a phenomenal buy right now, as this year’s weather has produced a crop that is both juicy and bursting with flavour. We are also loving the Mexican limes right now; the quality is some of the best of the year.

For those in need of asparagus the price has come down; great news for those looking for holiday banquet veg options.


What we’re looking forward to

We have secured a load of Dole Pineapple 5’s that we think are going to be an excellent buy, both in terms of flavour and yield.

A sure sign of the holiday season, BLOOD ORANGES and KUMQUATS will soon be in season. Keep an eye on our social channels for the official announcement!


Items of Concern

The onion recall that made headlines last week did not affect Hilite, as it reflected a product, specifically Mexican onions, that we do not handle.

Leaf lettuces are a major challenge currently, in terms of both cost and quality. This is caused by a switch in growing regions, specifically transitioning from Salinas to Yuma, with the former being fully harvested while the latter is not yet in full production. This gapping is causing major shortages in product available to ship, and as such large daily price fluctuations.

Strawberries are transitioning growing areas from Salinas to Oxnard. The quality is good, but supply is an issue, causing the price to go up.


Regional switch

The following local seasons have ended: broccoli, brussels sprouts, corn, zucchini, radish, mini top beets, beans. The following seasons are ending, get them while you can: Ontario potatoes, mini top carrots

California grape season is winding down, we anticipate a move to Chilean grapes. Quality remains excellent.

We will be switching from South African to Californian oranges as soon as supply becomes available.
